Sunday, January 12, 2014

"Hooray for Collaboration" Giveaway!

The "Hooray for Celebration" Giveaway begins tomorrow at 12 AM!!  This is an amazing collection of wonderful products from some very talented teachers and artists.  There are 46 awesome teachers and artists that donated for this giveaway.  I am awed by their talent and generosity.

                                                              a Rafflecopter giveaway      
                                                               a Rafflecopter giveaway
If you missed it, you should go back through previous posts.  I have been highlighting each of the awesome teachers and products that will be in this giveaway.  I will be highlighting the rest of the teachers during the week of the giveaway.  I hope you will join us to celebrate collaboration on 1/13-1/20.  You will be so glad that you did!!!