Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Power of Laughter

I've had a rough week this week.  My son is actually the one who got me to lighten up :)  He asks for a joke everyday in his lunch.  I write him a different one on his napkin everyday.  He forgot to read it at school and opened his lunch to finish it for a snack.  I overheard him belly laughing.  When I asked him what was so funny, he said that I make his day funnier every single day.  My heart melted and I couldn't help but smile.  He read me the joke and I started to chuckle.  Pretty soon we were both belly laughing and all my troubles seemed to slip away.

Sometimes I forget the power of a laugh and the power of love.  Here's the napkin that made us so giddy!
Teacher Gems is having a massive Valentine's giveaway.  That is something else to make me smile.  My Valentine Ten Frames Game is part of the goodies.  She has 3 prize packs worth over $200.  Head over to enter for some Valentine love :)
Have a wonderful weekend!

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