Monday, April 7, 2014

5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer!

 I want to thank Lisa, from OkinawaGirl, for introducing me to a wonderful song!  Five Little Men In a Flying Saucer.  I found the lyrics here. 
I found a number of youtube videos that have great singing and really cute art to go along with it.  I love how they flash or put the number on the screen every time a man leaves the flying saucer.  The video below is by "Happy Ape". 

I particularly like this version with little aliens in the saucer.  This version is from Twinkl Primary Resources

These two videos were the inspiration for my own flying saucer!  I made three versions with "Little People", spacemen, and aliens!  This project was actually really quick and easy.  It is sure to be a hit with your little "space kids"!  My astronauts and spacemen were thanks to Educlips and Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Designs!!!

Jenn, from Crayons and Cuties in Kindergarten, showed me a book with the same name.  It is awesome!! The men in the flying saucer keep visiting Earth and one by one fly away.  They don't like the neglected state of the Earth.  Happily, the Earth gets cleaned up and all the men come back. 
Here is the affiliate link to "Five Little Men In a Flying Saucer":

First, I got two plastic plates and a little plastic ramiken from a dollar store.  I hot glued the two plates together.  I hot glued the plastic ramiken to the middle of the top plate.
I put 5 pieces of Velcro on the flying saucer.  I actually hot glue them to the plate to give them more strength.
 If you would like to use "Little People", then you fill in the hole on the bottom with hot glue.  When it is full to the top, place a piece of Velcro on top of it.  Let it dry upright, so it will be straight.  When it is dry, the men are ready to be added to the saucer.
To make it look more like a flying saucer, (which my husband says is debatable) I painted the middle with red puffy paint and added "LED" lights with yellow puffy paint.  That is the extent of the flying saucer!
To make the alien spacemen, or astronauts (whatever clip art you have) all you need is to save your wine corks.  Hot glue a piece of Velcro to the bottom of each cork.
Hot glue down the side of the cork and place the spaceman on the cork.
 I held it on the cork for a few seconds, until it was semi-dry.
Here are my super space men, ready to board their saucer!!!  To pick up your free spacemen click here!
Have fun flying!

This week I am participating in a really exciting venture.  I selected a blog that I really admire and am giving one clue Monday-Friday to see if anyone can guess who I admire!  Click here to see the first clue.  You can guess one blog each day.  Anyone that gets the correct blog, can choose $3 or less from my store.  I will give that prize to ANYONE that can guess the correct blog!  Fun! It doesn't matter which day you leave your guess, just as long as there is only one for each day.  I will announce the blog I admire on Saturday!  Happy guessing :)


  1. Laura,

    WOW! I LOVE what you did with this!

    It's a great song right? It is one of my all time favourites from primary school.

    Thanks for sharing - I will definitely be using this with my next class :-)


  2. These are so cool! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Laura I LOVE this! We are going to the planetarium on 4/25 and this will be perfect! After some investingating I also found this book to go with it- so it ties this and Earth Day together- how perfect! Only 4 copies left!
    Thanks again!
