Sunday, April 13, 2014

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to recognize that we each play a part in promoting the social and emotional well-being of children and families in our communities. Learn more on the National Child Abuse Prevention Month website.

There are no words to describe the effect child abuse has on a child.  There is so much we can do.

I was not even aware that April was Child Abuse Prevention Month, until a TPT friend of mine,  Heather Rice, brought it to my attention.  She is involved with a program named "Safe Haven".  Safe Haven is a shelter for abused children.  She is trying to raise $400 this month to pay for a playground for the children.  She is going to create the playground out of used tires.

She describes Safe Haven as a shelter that looks like a living room, with toys and a cozy feeling.  It is a place where children can make their statements to the police.  This is such a great alternative to having the children be further traumatized by being interviewed in the police station.

Heather has two stores on Teachers Pay Teachers.  Heather Rice-The Bag Lady and Sing With Me Sight Words.  She has decided to donate all proceeds from both stores to Safe Haven for the month of April.  If you are interested, check out her stores. 

I have been lucky enough to use her sight word songs.  My daughter loves them and is always singing them around the house. 

I want to thank Heather for sharing this idea with me and for providing me with an opportunity to make a difference.  Thank all of you for taking the time to read this!  Look below for the details from Heather Rice :)

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