Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fourth of July Blog Hop!

 Happy 4th of July!  Since this is a celebration of the Independence of the United States of America, I wanted to honor an amazing man who served this country and now is a wonderful Pop-Pop, father, and step-father.  My step-dad served in the Army and sacrificed a lot to help keep this country safe and free.  For this reason, this post is dedicated to my step-dad!  Thanks for all you did in the military and all you do now for your family.  We love you!
Pop-Pop loves to be Pop-eye the Sailor every Halloween, so I though I would keep with the nautical spirit and bring on the pirates!  Thanks, Pop-Pop!!!
I have a fun pirate themed freebie today!  It is a small portion of a new product.  You can use this freebie alone, or get the whole product and have a lot of differentiated missing addend practice.  Click here to get your free Missing Pirates!
Here is the free sample in action.  I print out my pirate manipulatives, laminate them and hot glue foam to the back of the manipulative.  This makes it much easier for students to grasp and manipulate the pieces. 
Each student will choose a "Pirate Ship and Treasure" Mat and some pirate manipulatives.  Students will use the manipulatives to find out how many pirates are missing on the ship.  There is an island with a treasure chest at the end of the mat.  Students will try and find out how many pirates are missing on the ship.  You can tell students that they will be scouring the ship to find the sleeping or lazy pirates.  They will need to find all the missing pirates, so they will be able to get the treasure.  This little story gives students a fun purpose to find the missing addends.
Students will represent the first numeral with pirate manipulatives and "search the ship" to find the missing addend, by adding the rest of the pirates to equal the sum.
Students will record the equation on one of the recording sheets.
Click here to get the full product!  50% off from July 4th-6th!!

I am putting ALL my pirate products on sale from July 4th-6th!  It's a great chance to score some pirate treasure :)  Click on the pictures to get to products!
Pirates: Interactive Play Dough Mats
Pirates Alphabet Scavenger Hunt
Don't forget to visit the rest of the stops on this 4th of July Blog Hop!  Hope that you find some useful and fun ideas :)  We have a link up at the bottom with all the awesome blogs that are participating!  Be sure to check out all their awesome ideas!
And as an added bonus, all of the participating bloggers have 'pooled their cash' to purchase 4 $25 TpT gift certificates and 1 $10 Target gift card!
The first four selected will receive the TpT gift certificates and the 5th winner will receive the Target gift card!
Enter here, or on any of the participating blogs:

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