Monday, April 21, 2014

Educents Freebie For ONLY 2 Days!

Three posts in one day!  I know it is a lot, but so much happened so quickly!  This is the last one, I promise!

I was lucky enough to be selected to share one of my products for free on Educents!  If you have never heard of Educents, it is a wonderful website where you can get tons of discounted teaching materials for school or homeschool setting!  Click here, if you would like to make an account! I get referral credit, too :)

This product is one of my interactive play dough sets.  It is one of my absolute favorites!  Kids get to use play dough to create meatballs on top of spaghetti!  There are a ton of printables to extend learning, but most of all kids get to get into the learning with their hands!   Hope you love this product and I would love it, if you would leave me a comment to let me know what you thought!!

Click here to get your freebie on Educents, but hurry because it is only FREE for the next two days!!!

This post contains affiliate links to Educents.  See my full disclosure policy here.


  1. I LOVE this! It meets the needs of a variety of learners. Thank you for sharing.

