Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ziggie Tales: Virtual Book Tour! + FREEBIE


I am so excited to be involved in this virtual book tour for Kathleen Wainwright's brand new book, "Ziggie Tales".  How exciting to be one of the first people to read a book!!  I am a book worm, so this was an honor and very thrilling :)

"Ziggie Tales" is a wonderful book about a cat named Ziggie, his owner named Marley, and her best friend Layla.  These three characters jumped off the page at me.  I love the way that they are fleshed out in the story, so that students can really get the feeling for each character.  This book lends itself to studying character traits in the classroom. 

Students can find specific examples of things that the characters do, or specific descriptions of the characters.  This can aid them in making inferences of the specific character traits each character possesses.  I have several students that really need help pinpointing specific examples in the text.  We would use post its, to write down the page number and the example straight from the text.

"Ziggie Tales" also works great for comparing and contrasting.  Layla and Marley are best friends, but very different.  It would be great to use these two characters to compare and contrast.  I would also use post its for this activity.  Students would be able to really focus in on the specific examples in the text.

I hope that you enjoy the virtual book tour and check out "Ziggie Tales".  It is a wonderful book!

An added bonus is a freebie from Kathleen!  She is providing you all with a set of activities that you can use for character studies in your classrooms!  Click here to get your freebie!!

You can also enter a Rafflecopter giveaway!  The winner will earn a free copy of the book Ziggie Tales: Ziggie’s Biggie Adventure.  You do NOT want to miss this chance :)  You can enter the Rafflecopter every day!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

An InLinkz Link-up


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing! I am happy you enjoyed the characters. They are based on my niece (Marley) and my Goddaughter (Layla). I can't wait to share more stories about them! Thanks again : )
