Friday, May 23, 2014

Secret Admirer Clue #5

Amanda Wilp of The Primary Gal put together another chance for bloggers to get to try out products from bloggers that we secretly admire.  I love this one!  I have so many blogs and bloggers that I admire and it makes it difficult to choose!! 
Here is the fun part: I am going to give away a $3 product to EVERYONE that can guess who I admire. 
Everyone has made terrific guesses, but no one has guessed this blog yet!
There are more clues to check out. 
You can guess once on each blog post.  I will reveal the blog that I secretly admire on Saturday!  Happy guessing!!
I did have some exciting news from Educents to share with you!  They provided me with a code EXCLUSIVE to my readers.  This coupon will be valid May 23-26.  With this code, you will receive 10% off everything + FREE shipping.  They have never offered free shipping before, so this is a great deal! 
I have gotten some great deals from Educents this year.  I just got an interactive State Capital Book for my son to do with us on road trips!  I also got a Melissa and Doug Three Little Pigs Play Set and tons of bundled teaching resources.  I do love Educents!
 If you have never heard of Educents, it is a wonderful website where you can get tons of discounted teaching materials for school or homeschool setting!  Click here, if you would like to make an account! I get referral credit, too :)

This post contains affiliate links to Educents.  See my full disclosure policy here. 


  1. Fairy Dust Teaching?

  2. Created by MrHughes?

  3. Magic, Mistakes, and Mayhem?
