Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Who Has Seen The Wind?

This is a fun, hands on way to "see" the wind.  All you need is paint (preferably tempera), a hair dryer, and some laughter!
This really is a fun activity.  Kids can choose the colors that they would like to squirt on the paper.
I didn't have a tempera paint, so I made due with acrylic.  You don't get as dramatic an effect, but it still works.  Kids can squirt the different colors in the middle of the paper.
Turn on the hair dryer (the adult) and watch the wind blow!
Kids can watch as the paint ripples across the paper and makes the paint move.  It can create great discussions on what else wind can move.  You can discuss things that can and can not be moved by wind.
After the paint dries, students can either glue on a sentence.
Or, they can put the words in the correct order to create the sentence.
This can allow students to focus on punctuation, spacing, and what "makes sense".
Have fun!
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