Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Currently

Love these posts!  Did my first one last month and I am addicted.  I am linking up for Farley's June Currently!
Listening:  Just what it says!  Listening to my kids playing with their Daddy and having a great time.  I am so lucky to have a husband that LOVES to play with his kids.

Loving:  Need I say it, ONE HOUR bubble bath, with NO interruptions!!  Heaven.

Thinking:  My cat, Cali, is laying next to me on the bed purring up a storm.  I really love this sweet old cat.

Wanting:  I really want a peppermint patty, but am way too lazy to get up and get it right now.

Needing: To put laundry away, but that is not going to happen right now.  I feel way too relaxed and happy.

Summer Bucket List:  I am going to visit family in CA, paddleboard on my mom's lake, and go on at least one amazing date with my husband.  A full and fun summer!!!
Happy June!!


  1. Hi there! This is my first time on your blog :) Can I just say how CUTE your blog design is?? I love all of the bright colors! It sounds like you have a fun summer planned...I absolutely love paddle boarding! It's always hard for me to get started, but once you've floated out by yourself it's so relaxing. Enjoy your summer!!

    1. Thanks so much! I agree about the paddle boarding. My kids like to get out there and pretend to do the crane from Karate Kid. Hilarious and lots of splashes! Hope you have a wonderful summer, too!

  2. Hi there. Cute blog. Where in Ca are you visiting? I'm in San Diego. :) Found you in the Currently link up. Have a great day!!

    Mrs. Bucaroff's Fantastic Fourth

    1. We are going to Monterey and Calabasas. Tons of family and it's going to be lots of fun. I wish that we were going to San Diego, too. I have never been there!

  3. My favorite part of summer is you CAN put off things, AKA the laundry, and it is okay...since you still have tomorrow. Are you out of school yet? Take time to relax, you deserve it!
    Burke's Special Kids

  4. This is my favorite linky party. I NEED to go on a date with my Hubby. :-) Maybe when we go to Florida??? Have fun in California!!! My dad is there right now.

  5. Hi Laura,
    What a great summer you have planned. A Peppermint Patty would be heaven! I can't keep any candy in the house because I have such a weakness for sweets. And...laundry can always be put away later, enjoy your moment to relax.
    Crockett's Classroom
