Monday, September 22, 2014

Best Birthday Present Ever!

I had one of the most amazing weekends of my life!  My mom gifted me a membership to the Children's Music Network and a trip to their annual international conference.  It was a weekend of rejuvenation and getting energized!
Children's Music Network is an amazing organization.  It is for anyone with a love of music and children.  I am not a musician.  I sing in the shower and for kids, but that is the extent of my musical talent.  However, I was embraced into this community with open arms.  The experience was phenomenal.  

I learned new ways to integrate music into your classroom.  I heard all types of music that fits right into the common core standards.  I learned so much about how to use neurologically directed movement to help with self regulation, and so much more. 

There was so much more packed into this wonderful weekend.  As I gather and organize my thoughts, I am going to start sharing some amazing artists with you.  Hopefully, you will find some new and wonderful music to inspire yourself and your children.

The last thing that I would like to share with you is that I was star struck throughout the weekend.  I was meeting the actual singer behind the album.  After I got over my amazement at actually meeting these "rock stars", every single singer spoke to me as an equal and gave me a sense of belonging.  Every single person, at this conference, collaborated with each other and got the creative juices flowing. 

I could go on and on, but I just wanted to share how special this experience was for me.  I look forward to sharing everything that comes my weekend with some absolutely amazing people!  Follow on Bloglovin
Keep on singing, even if it is only in the shower... 


  1. Laura, It was such a pleasure meeting you and your cooler-than-the-breeze mother at the Newcomer's Circle on Saturday. Your post was a wonderful encapsulation of CMN - and the transformative power of music.
    Hope to see you at more of these gatherings! Brigid

    1. My mom will LOVE to hear her described like this :) I can tell you that you definitely made her day! It was wonderful to meet you. Thank you for making me feel so welcomed and valued!

  2. Laura, it was great spending time with you at CMN, even if it was short. I'm glad you felt galvanized when you left, and that you got some great teaching ideas, too. What a lovely gift you were given. Your first CMN conference is magical, but I assure you that all the ones after that are, too! I know what you mean about feeling star-struck. WOW! And the "stars" (though they don't see themselves that way) are so approachable. Definitely a thrill to sit, share and sing among all of the good people at CMN. I'm not a musician, either, but when I'm at the conference I feel like I could be! I look forward to collaborating with you in the future and hope to find you next October in Zion. bring your mom--and a friend or two! ;)
    Lisa Heintz (fellow shower-singer)

    1. I agree with everything that you said :) I left feeling full of possibilities and projects that are brewing in my brain. Loved everyone!!

  3. Geez, this is the third time I have tried to post a comment--I hope this one goes through! I'm not sure we met at the conference but I believe your experience there as a newbie is not an unusual one. There is so much talent and heart in CMN. I hope you will continue to explore all that our organization has to offer--the music, the people, the resources. And please help spread the word--you already know what a gift it is, one that can last a lifetime. Welcome to the CMN family!

    1. I am excited to explore CMN! So far, I have hardly scratched the surface. I can't wait to collaborate and explore with all of you! Thank you so much for making my first conference wonderful!!
