Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Proud to Be Primary" Giveaway

There are 5 awesome prizes packs for 5 people to win! 
The total value of all prize packs is $250!! 
Prizes consist of Teachers Pay Teachers gift certificates, a bracelet, gift certificates to Proud to be Primary's store, as well as $10 and $5 Winner's Choice certificates to many wonderful TpT stores...myself included! (Images below show you what you could win)

You can enter the 'Proud to be 1000...on TpT' Giveaway NOW for 5 days ONLY (September 1st - 5th). Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. during Calendar "What Day is it?" student answers "HUMP DAAAAY"

  2. I love reading Chrysanthemum and talking about how her feelings change throughout the book. The kids really get into it.

  3. I picked some students up off their buses yesterday morning & one of the 3rd graders looked at me, raised his hand & said "I'm wearing deodorant." - so cute!

  4. My favorite back to school moment is learning about the students. I have them bring in ME Boxes with five items. The students show their ME box and the other students can ask 3 questions per student. Then we create our All About Me class book. They love creating class books to look at all year. I love back to school!
