Saturday, September 13, 2014

Trashy Crafter Giveaway!

I am so excited to share an amazing talent with you today!  I am so privileged to be teaming up with Kimberly, the founder of Trashy Crafter.  When I was asked to do a review of one of her bracelets, I was head over heels!!
Trashy Crafter is an amazing venture created by Kimberly and her mom.  Her story is very close to my heart.  I am lucky enough to be able to work side by side with my mom.  This is a dream come true, because my mom inspires me.  She is a retired guidance counselor with an amazing ability to connect with kids.  In the last few years, I was able to present at preschool conferences with my mom and collaborate on educational resources with a guidance twist.

This is what initially drew me to Kimberly.  We share that special bond with our moms and are able to actually create with them!  Here is Kimberly's story:
I love that Kimberly and her mom are "saving" damaged books and transforming them into beautiful jewelry.  I LOVE books! As teachers and parents, books are precious to us.  Kimberly and her mom make it possible for us to bring books into another area of our lives.  We are able to wear our favorite books, as beautiful jewelry!

I chose a set of bracelets made from "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie", by Laura Numeroff.  This is an absolute favorite of my children.  I have so many happy memories of reading this book with them. 
When the package came from Kimberly, I was thrilled!  Not only does she recycle the books, she recycles the packaging for her bracelets!  Adorable and earth friendly :)
Here I am, opening my treasure!
It was everything I hoped for and MORE!
The homemade beads are beautiful and are paired with one of a kind beads.  The bracelets are perfect!
The bracelets are cheery and whimsical, just like the book.
Since my kids were the inspiration for choosing the bracelets, they had to get in on the fun!
 They each wanted to model the bracelets for the blog.  I'm positive that I will have to share these bracelets with my daughter!
Now I get to share some of Kimberly's talent with you!  You can enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a pair of earrings from her store!
You can find Kimberly in so many places:
A huge thanks, to Kimberly and her mom, for introducing me to their fabulous jewelry!  I am already starting to think about the jewelry I can give to special teachers!  Enter the rafflecopter for your chance to own some of Kimberly's fabulous jewelry!
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  1. That's really cool! I never would have suspected that those beads were made from paper. That's amazing, and beautiful!
