Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12 Days of Christmas GIVEAWAY!

I am so lucky to be part of an AMAZING giveaway put together by a phenomenal person- Zippy (of "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Designs")!  She is such a giving and generous person.  It inspires others to pay it forward.
This giveaway is fun and is 12 days long.  It gets everyone in the spirit of giving!  I am part of Day #2.  I am paired up with 3 wonderful teachers.  You can win a $30 Amazon gift card AND the featured items below!
1- Faith Wheeler: She donated an amazing fairy tale pack for her featured item.
2- Laura Surratt Schachter: I donated $5 credit to my store.
3- Rachelle Gunderson Smith: Donated a take-home reading folder pack for her featured item.
4- Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Designs: Zippy donated $5 credit to her store.

This contest is open world wide, because the gift cards will be sent over email :)  Make sure you don't miss the chance to enter these amazing giveaways.  Below the Rafflecopter are a few freebies for your winter days!  I would love to hear how they work for you!

I wanted to share a few fun winter freebies to brighten your day!
Get your kids moving and learning!
Hop back over to ZipADeeDooDah's facebook page to enter each day's giveaway!  I love exploring all the wonderful stores and the chance to win some awesome prizes!!
Day #7- Click here!
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  1. Great giveaway!! Thanks for the freebies, Laura! My kids love stuff like this
