Monday, August 10, 2015

See What's Sticking In My House!

Earlier this summer, I got to spend a week with my brother, sister and their families. We each have 2 kids and they are all under the age of 8. It was a thrilling time for all the kids!
I loved getting to see and play with my niece and nephews. My niece is crazy for duct tap, so I decided to get her involved in making vegetables for a sensory bin. As soon as she started creating, all the other kids joined in, too.

The 7 of us spent at least four amazing hours elbow deep in duct tape. All the creations in the pictures were created by kids, 5-8 years old.  Absolutely amazing, if you ask me!
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I created DIY directions, so you can make your own duct tape vegetable garden!

There are 3 options for creating the carrots and radishes.  Option #1-

Option #2-

This version is very light, in case you have kids that tend to hit others with learning materials... They can't do much damage with this veggie.
Option #3-

 You can create radishes, turnips, beets and green onions in the same way as the carrots. Use rounded stones or plastic spoons to create the base of these vegetables.

I hope that you found these directions useful and would love to hear about your creations, too! Have fun with the incredibly sticky duct tape!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I am thinking this would be perfect to tie in with 'Tops and Bottoms' during my planting unit in May!
    LOVE it!
    Crayons & Cuties In Kindergarten
