Sunday, May 4, 2014

Let It Go

We had one of the most beautiful Friday nights, in our neighborhood, this past weekend.  My family has been raising butterflies for the last few weeks.  The kids have been fascinated watching them grow from caterpillars to these amazing butterflies.  My daughter and I actually watched one emerge from the chrysalis.  Indescribable.
When all of the butterflies arrived, we observed them for a day or two and then were going to let them go.  Jennifer Drake from Crayons, Cuties & Kindergarten, had an awesome tent that she bought years ago that is actually made for the butterflies.  I couldn't find that, but we had an old tent.
 We gathered up our butterflies, kids from the neighborhood, and our tent.  We set it up and got in with the butterflies.
 It was absolutely amazing.  Even the little babies and toddlers were gentle with the butterflies.  Everyone got a chance to hold one and observe them up close.  There was so much learning and wonder in the whole experience.
 It is almost as if everyone knew that they were part of something special.
 A little bit of magic for an ordinary Friday.
 A glimpse at something so tiny, but part of something so much bigger than yourself.
Eyes wide, at the good fortune to be granted a visit by these beautiful creatures. 
 If you can't tell, I was probably even more enthralled than the kids.  It is an experience that I will always remember.
 My daughter asked me later, "Why did we have to let them go?"  
My son replied, "How could you ever keep something so beautiful in a cage?  You have to let them go."
It was a gift to be part of such an amazing cycle of life.  In life, it sometimes helps to remember that everything needs to be let go at some point.  I am grateful to be reminded...


  1. That's wonderful, Laura!! I know just how special that is... My class hatched a monarch back in October, but she emerged too late to be released - it was too cold here. So my hubby and I kept her, and she was with us for 78 days!! We were so blessed to be able to experience that! :)

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

  2. Aww, that's so sweet! I am sure your kids LOVED that. We didn't get butterflies this year and I now I'm regretting it!

  3. That sounds like it would be amazing. One of the stores in town is getting the butterflies in sometime this month and I want to get one for my daughter so we can watch them grow and then release them.
