Saturday, May 3, 2014

May Currently!

This is my very first time joining up with Farley for a Currently post!  Very excited!
Listening: To the sweet quiet of all my family sleeping!
Loving: A lot has happened lately to remind me that life is really very short and to savor every minute of it.  I am currently trying to keep my mind in a thankful place :)  
Thinking: Life is really too short.  Missing people who have gone, but remembering them in my heart.
Wanting: The sweet burn of the first Dr. Pepper of the morning. 
Needing: A hug!  Just one of those days...
Surprise:  My surprise is for one of my best blogging buddies!  I absolutely love everything that she creates and this is no exception!  Check out her awesome Mother's Day Lapbook.  We will be creating them for grandmas, too!


  1. Losing someone is so hard. Sounds like you need some they come from Michigan.
    Funky First Grade Fun

    1. Thanks so much Kimberly! It was just what I needed :)
