Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall Favorite Blog Hop!

I can't wait to check out all the fall fun that is happening in this blog hop!!

I really love the spooky fun that comes with Halloween.  Bats are one of my favorites! 
We've been working on the -at family.  What better time to break out the bats!  I found a witch's cauldron, or vat, and added some fun foam bats.  We named it our "Vat of -AT".

My daughter pulled each bat out of the vat.  She got to wear a pair of spooky reading eyes on her finger.  She pointed to and identified each letter of the word.
 Then, we broke out the Halloween slinkies.  We used the slinkies to stretch out the sounds in each word.  She slowly sounded out each sound of the word, as she stretched out the slinky.  It provides the kinesthetic movement along with stretching out the sounds: b-a-t
 After stretching out the word, we slam the slinky back together.  As the slinky is slammed back together, the child pronounces the word as a whole: "bat".  The student coordinates the kinesthetic movement of pushing the slinky back together, with blending the sounds into one word.  Using the slinky, seemed to really help my daughter understand the differences between segmenting and blending the sounds in a word.
 I made a "Vat of -AT" game to share with you!  Get it here.  It is only FREE for the Fall Favorite Blog Hop 10/25/14-10/27/14.  Scoop it up for free, while you can!
 It includes a "Vat of -AT" mat to use with the pictures, words, and beginning sounds.  You can use the game in different ways.  We put the picture cards below the mat and put all the beginning sound cards above the mat.
 Students will see the picture, say the word, and identify the beginning sound.
  We flipped over all the picture cards and then took turns flipping over the letter cards.  The player that flips over the letter will find the matching picture card.  If you find the picture that starts with the same sound, you can place the two cards in the "Vat of -AT".  After playing the game, students can use the cards to help fill out the recording worksheet.
 Students will write the beginning sound next to the matching picture.
In  the second version, we put the pictures under the mat and the words above the mat. 
 We flipped over all the picture cards and then took turns flipping over the word cards.  The player that flips over the word will find the matching picture card.  If you find a match, you can place the two cards in the "Vat of -AT".  After playing the game, students can use the cards to help fill out the recording worksheet.
Students will write the matching word next to the same picture.
Hope you had a great time at this stop on the blog hop!  Be sure to head over to Teaching Momster for some more fall fun!
Don't forget to enter the giveaway!!  Win $25 worth of products from my store!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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  1. How cute! I love the Halloween slinkies and using them to stretch out the words. Thanks for sharing!

    Teaching Momster

  2. Love your word work activities! The slinky is a clever idea.
    Burke's Special Kids

  3. I am going to look for some slinkies
