Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wordless Wednesday!

I had to link up with Miss DeCarbo's Wordless Wednesday for a few reasons.
1- I love her linky.  Such fun to see all the pictures.
2- I have been very slack in the land of blogging.  Life has thrown too many other things at me to keep up in all areas!
3- Did I mention I love her linky!!
 I had to share the best Halloween costume- EVER!  I wonder if it comes in an adult size!?!
What's your favorite Halloween costume?
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  1.! I love that shark costume! I always made our daughter's costumes, so that was a bit of a limiting factor! lol One year I made my husband wear an M & M plain candy costume, mine was the M & M peanut, and our 2 year old was the peanut fun size. It was adorable!
    Heather from Mrs. Renz’ 4th Grade Class

  2. That costume is adorable. Too funny! When my boys were small I used to always make their costumes and it was a matching type theme. My favorite was when my 4 month old was Piglet, my 2yr old was Pooh, and my 5 yr old was Eeyore.

    Luv My Kinders
