This blog is a personal project written,
edited, and maintained exclusively by me, Laura Schachter.
This website was designed by: 2013. All rights
All content (such as ideas, images, documents, products, and
downloads) here is exclusively from Differentiation Station Creations, unless noted otherwise. Content may be
printed, downloaded, and/or used in your personal classroom only. You may not
redistribute or use content commercially without my written consent.
This means that I want to share ideas and products with you! I think collaboration is one of the best things for teachers and students. I love sharing my ideas with other teachers and parents and am ecstatic that games I have made are out there making students' smile.
However, if you
want to share content found here, I require you to link back to this website to
maintain its original source. You may not redistribute the content. This
means you may share/blog about content here, but you must link back to me so
others can access the original source. Saving and reposting a file is not
allowed. You may use thumbnails from my blog with sources
March 22, 2014
I just became an affiliate of Educents today! I am excited about this partnership with Educents. Occasionally, I will share deals, toys, or something else from Educents. Please know that I will not share anything that I have not personally used with my own children, or the children that I tutor. I will not write a review of something unless I use it and feel it is truly exceptional. I am committed to sharing wonderful ideas with my readers, whether they are paid or free.
I started this blog to share great teaching ideas with other teachers and parents. I love being able to share my own ideas, as well as, creative ideas from other teachers. I believe that collaboration sparks creative energy in everyone. I am honored to share my ideas and others' ideas with you!
As an affiliate of Educents, I do receive a small percentage if you buy something from one of the Educents affiliate links in my blog. This helps to offset the cost of creating this blog and all of the materials I buy to create activities for my children and to share with you. I will post a statement at the top of any post that has an affiliate link in it. This way you will know exactly which links are tied to Educents. Feel free to contact me with any questions about this or anything else with my blog!
July 2015
I am now an affiliate with Amazon and Oriental Trading. These are both merchants that I regularly use. I will not promote or link to something that I have not personally used.
I want to create a collaborative blog that inspires teachers and students! I hope that I do this for you :)
Thank you so much for visiting my blog!
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