Friday, November 7, 2014

Math Manipulative Round Up!

I am a huge believer in hands-on learning.  Students are able to become active participants in their own learning through using manipulatives.  They are able to learn by physically handling and manipulating objects to explore a concept.
I love using manipulatives with math concepts.  It really transforms a concept into a concrete learning experience.  Young children and kinesthetic learners really benefit from showing the concept and bringing it to life.
Math manipulatives do not need to be expensive.  You can look around your own home and classroom to create some simple and effective manipulatives for your math lessons.
Here are some fun posts on DIY math manipulatives from me and some amazing bloggers:
Greater Gator
Addition Machine
New and Improved Addition Machine
Decomposing Monster from Crayons & Cuties in Kindergarten
Composing Monster from Crayons & Cuties in Kindergarten
 Play Dough as a Manipulative
Reindeer Romp: Addition and Subtraction

Hope you found a manipulative that works for you!  I would love to have you leave me a comment with any fun math manipulatives that you use with your students.  I love DIY projects and would love some new ideas to make the math concepts come to life!
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