15 Ways to Inspire Outdoor Play
What Are Your Kids Doing This Summer?
As a child, summertime was a magical time. We went outside early in the morning and didn’t come back inside until dinner. I want my kids to experience that same magical, summertime outdoor play… Easier said, than done.
kids get to choose one week of summer camp for the entire summer. The
rest of the time, they are home with me. I love having the luxury of
staying home with my kids in the summer; however, it does require some
creativity to keep my sanity.
Limit Screen Time
We’ve all heard that too much technology can have a detrimental effect on the health and well being of children. One month week
into summer, I feel the temptation to give into the temporary quiet of
screen time. At the one month mark, the novelty of summer has worn off
and I begin to hear the inevitable “We have nothing to do…”
This year I am going to be prepared! I’ve teamed up with Joe Black, from Nature Rated, to share some great outdoor activities to preempt the “nothing-to-do” summer comments. Can’t wait to get the kids into some outdoor play!
Let’s Get Outside
While I am a crafting fool, I recognize the importance of and joy in getting outside. I still love digging for worms with my kids, exploring in the woods, and spending hours catching frogs and minnows. My kids love to do all of these things, too. However, they often need a little direction getting an activity started.
Joe, at Nature Rated, understands this all too well and has put together an infographic with 15 Summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature. From baking a blackberry pie to constructing a pond or insect hotel, there’s plenty of ideas for summer fun. Head on over to his site for step-by-step instructions on ways to get your kids outside this summer. Put these activities in your back pocket, for those “I’m bored” days!
Check out more ways to interact with nature over at Joe’s blog, Nature Rated!
Do you have more ideas for nature fun? I’d love to hear about them. Leave me a comment and let me know how you keep your kids excited all summer!
Want some crafts & learning ideas for summer?
Get busy with some sensory table fun.
Check out some summer math activities.
Check out some crafty shark fun.

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