I know it's Sunday, but I still wanted to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday!
This week has been spent trying to get ready to present at a Preschool Conference this coming Tuesday. I'm lucky to get to present with my mom! My mom is a retired guidance counselor. This year we are joining forces to present on dramatic play!
Here is the floor of my craft room...
This fun pizza parlor is joining us at the conference. My kids helped me create the pizza stand and the background.
Kids can order, make, and "cook" their own pizzas. This pizza parlor is not just for preschool. I've had kids as old as 9 begging to play at the "Pizza Place"! It has definitely been a hit! I'll admit that I've played there, too :)
I've had a ton of fun getting ready for this conference. Here's my newest "Five Little Monkey" manipulative. You can see the original here. I think this one was even easier to make!
Last, but not least, is my new sock puppet giraffe. He was a last minute addition, when I saw these perfect socks at the dollar store. They just screamed to be made into a giraffe!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope that this week is just as productive, but a little less harried than last week... Hop over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to see the Five For Friday link up!

Best wishes on your conference presentation, Laura! The Pizza Place should be a HUGE hit! I LOVE your giraffe sock puppet! I think I need to make one when I read Giraffe's Can't Dance to my class! Thanks so much for sharing!
Stories and Songs in Second
Thanks, Jennifer!! Email me and I'll send you a giraffe puppet! I made two and would love for you to use one in your class :)